Upcoming Drops: June 6-12

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Let’s face it: The NFT space moves really fast. Considering how quickly things can change in the metaverse, a week in NFTs might as well be a month IRL.

Don’t get us wrong — the more people onboarded into the space, the merrier. But because of the constant influx of great art and ideas, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with all the news, launches, and general happenings.

Well, you can put the days of endless Twitter and Discord scrolling behind you, as we put together a weekly list of upcoming NFT drops you definitely don’t want to miss. Here’s what to look out for this week.

Wandering Stones

Source: Clement Morin

Who: Clément Morin

What: Two 20-edition pieces, one 10-edition piece

When: June 6 @ 6:30 p.m. EDT

Where: Nifty Gateway

Why: French 3D artist Clément Morin is releasing the Wandering Stones Collection — an upbeat collection of pastel landscapes being explored by anthropomorphic pebbles, featuring haikus by Matthieu Lesaint that depict the pebbles “philosophizing their way through life’s endless surprises.”

Game Disease

Who: Game Disease (Frenetik Void x Milton Sanz x Oxeegeno)

What: Airdrop event for selected collectors

When: June 7 @ 12 p.m. EDT

Where: Nifty Gateway

Why: Game Disease is an ongoing art project headed by Frenetik Void, Milton Sanz, and Oxeegeno that hopes to explore the grip gambling and addiction have on our society through a twisted reflection of our own world. Later this week, they have an exclusive airdrop event planned on Nifty Gateway for the project’s top supporters. Among this airdrop will be an exclusive one-of-one piece raffled off to one lucky collector.

Surreal Neighborhood

Vinicius Costa

Who: Vinicius Costa

What: Four pieces with night and day variations

When: June 7 @ 6:30 p.m. EDT

Where: Nifty Gateway

Why: Digital artist Vinicius Costa is adding to his collection of surrealist landscapes with his upcoming project, the Surreal Neighborhood. Costa will be filtering regular urban locations such as a coffee shop, police station, hotel, and museum through his unique artistic lens, as well as offering collectors day and night variations of each of these locales for purchase.


Who: Hannes Hummel x Dexamol

What: Four digital artworks, one special edition piece

When: June 10 @ 6:30 p.m. EDT

Where: MakersPlace

Why: Bloom Collective co-founders Hannes Hummel and Dexamol are presenting the “next chapter of artist collaboration” with this upcoming collection. Heavily inspired by the “cassette futurism” aesthetic that reimagines tech from the late 20th century, this collection hopes to explore the continuing interconnectedness of the physical and digital worlds.


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