Options Trading As Easy As Trading Stocks

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In this episode The MarketBeat Podcast, Kate talks about options with CC Latator, co-founder of options trading platform Options AI. CC explains what’s wrong with the options-trading industry when it comes to helping individual investors, who tend to trade differently from the big institutions. 
Kate and CC discuss: 
Why CC and his co-founders saw the need for a new options trading platform for retail traders
How retail options trading can be riskier than the way institutions trade options
Why do investors need a plan to set themselves up for the probable 
How to use options to position against an event happening 
How even investors without interest in speculative options positions could use options to add income 
If you’re a long-term holder in a stock you can use put spreads to help you avoid bad trading decisions at lows
On the upside, instead of making a decision to sell because a stock is extended, you could sell calls and call spreads against the holdings to help you gain income as positioning against an event happening
One of the greatest skills you can have as a professional trader or investor is your own cognitive biases: Options give you a way to have a plan to gain income
Hedging strategies allow you to ask the question of how you can sleep at night in a volatile market
How should people approach the current market? 
Why CC believes it’s best to play for singles and doubles right now, rather than a home run with options right now. 
How CC and Options AI train new options traders to succeed 
How to learn more about Options AI: 

MarketBeat.com – MarketBeat

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